Flexible Instructions Plan ( FIP)

Dear Parents and Guardians,

We at Sun Bright believe that education is essential for your child’s growth and development. That is why we have implemented a Flexible Instruction Plan Policy (FIP) to ensure that your child’s education is not interrupted in the event of an emergency closure, such as illness or family situations of the student, or emergency center closures. Sun Bright would implement a Flexible Instruction Plan, for the PreK Classes, in case of Emergency closure, to meet the instructional days requirement. The Videos and books are linked here

We will inform you via Procare when we will be implementing FIP and the model we will be using. We have two models, the asynchronous model and the synchronous model, both of which will be implemented using our website’s digital platform at https://sunbrightchildcare.com/flexible-instructions-plan/

The asynchronous model will be used for temporary student absences due to illness or family situations. We will provide virtual instruction through recorded classes and PDFs with stories and open-ended questions for parents to record answers.

In the case of an emergency center closure, we will use the synchronous model for virtual instruction. A virtual class will be held daily at 10 am using Google Meet, with a schedule and lesson plan formatted for virtual learning. Recorded classes will be uploaded to YouTube, and links will be available on our website after the live feed for your convenience.

Our teachers will have open office hours daily during the FIP period from 1:00 to 1:30 PM. PDFs with stories and open-ended questions will be available for parents to record answers using their mobile phones or tablets. Attendance will be tracked using the Pro-care Connect app. If the center is open, parents can pick up the packet or download it from our website.

We will track student participation and attendance by having weekly check-ins with parents to discuss the previous week’s activities. We will also use the Teaching Strategies Gold system for remote assessment using Mighty Minute and Intentional Teaching cards.

If your family needs technology to access remote learning, we will assess and address those needs. For families without internet access, there are resources available for free or discounted internet access  https://www.xfinity.com/learn/internet-service/acp/free-internet. . Area libraries and recreation centers offer free wifi and computers. If your family does not have a device, we will give you a fire tablet for use during remote learning.

We will use TSG GOLD for our formal assessment, which will be used for both asynchronous and synchronous time. Reports will be pulled off TSG Gold quarterly to assess children’s progress, after which Google Meet meetings will be set up with parents to discuss their child’s progress and next steps.

We encourage you to send us photographs via Procare showing the activities your child is participating in.

Thank you for entrusting us with your child’s education. We will continue to provide the best learning experience for your child during these challenging times.


Sun Bright Child Care

PS: Please reach out to Center Director for any questions you may have.